The Pearl Cream Progression

The Pearl Cream Progression
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 5 – I Feel Pretty

Dear Dr. Anna,
I am pleased to report that I am noticing the reversal of fine lines that were beginning to take shape around my eyes. The changes are subtle but consistent. Of course, I had to immediately check it out in the magnified mirror I have screwed to the side of my bathroom wall to examine this phenomenon up close. I’m totally blown away!

The Pearl Cream makes me feel pretty. I observe continued improvement in my skin every day. My skin tone is looking so fresh and flawless. It’s clear that the herbs within the Pearl Cream mixture have a healing affect on the skin. I’m seeing a reduction of redness in the “T-Zone” of my face. It’s kinda fun looking in the mirror now because I keep seeing a lovelier person staring back at me.

The other fascinating thing, Dr. Anna, is that typically during the summer time in Florida, I notice an increase in oiliness to my face. It’s maddening. But since I’ve been using the Pearl Cream the sebaceous glands of my face seem to have finally stopped over-producing, thank goodness.

Again, I sing the praises of the Pearl Cream. Here I am in the fifth week of use and I’m delighted and yet flabbergasted by the results I’m getting.

Thank you, Dr. Anna.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 4 – This Anti-Aging Stuff is Fun

Dr. Anna,

It’s safe to say that Pearl Cream is a gift from God. I remember that my experience with mineral make up very similar. I was in love with the fact that there was such a thing as a natural make-up that actually improved my skin. It made sense. Nature usually has the right answers to our cellular needs.

So here I am with my Pearl Cream new experiences and I find it to be even more fascinating than the mineral make. The more I use it, the better my skin looks and feels. I’m actually starting to look forward to seeing myself in the mirror every day because I can’t wait to see how lovely my face looks. I’m seeing another version of myself – the younger version.

I remember the time, not too long ago, when I was concerned about my aging face next to the face of my beautiful, Russian dance partner, who is a couple years younger than me. Not anymore. In fact, the effects of the Pearl Cream must be contagious because she recently ordered a jar for herself! We feel like we’ve just been given the gift of longer dance careers because of Pearl Cream’s ability to turn back the clock on our faces.

This information is not only relevant for women in the entertainment industry. Many women these days often feel the pressure to look young and fresh but have no desire to go through painful surgical procedures to do so. Dr. Anna, your Pearl Cream is an absolute miracle, a God-send! But then again, it makes sense. Nature usually has the right answers to our cellular needs. That’s why this anti-aging stuff is so much fun. And it can be done naturally. Love that!

1000 kisses of gratitude to you, Dr. Anna and to the Pearls. I’m growing younger. Yay!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Week 3: My Pearl Cream and My Self Esteem

Dear Dr. Anna,

Here we are on week number three of my Pearl Cream Odyssey and here I sit, a changed woman. More fascinating discoveries are being made. Earlier this week I was in the shower washing my face, an orchestra of thoughts going on in mind as I contemplated the day’s tasks. Then suddenly, I jolted back into my present moment experience. One thought filling my brain, “This doesn’t feel like my face.” It felt like I had magically morphed into a baby face overnight. I was ridiculously smooth. It was amazing!

Interestingly enough, I noticed that when I wake up in the morning my facial muscles are all relaxed and I don’t look the same as after I’ve applied the Pearl Cream. After I apply it I literally see more tension in the facial muscles. I have my own personal before and after right before my eyes. So now, I’m likening the Pearl Cream to a sort of invisible brassiere for the face. It lifts and supports your facial muscles.

There’s more! Mid week I was scheduled to perform in a dance show at an upscale hotel in Orlando and I had so much more confidence because I knew my face had shed some years. You see, my dance partner is a few years younger than me, Russian born and beautiful with a flawless complexion. That was totally cool until sometime after I turned 30. But this past Wednesday during our dance show, my age was just a number because my face was supported by an invisible bra. And after a night of wearing a pound of make up, Pearl Cream gave my face a soothing hug.

And here’s the ultimate, Dr. Anna… I was walking to my car yesterday as two young men approached me. They opened with the usual social greetings and I acknowledged them. I started to get in my car and one of them asked me to wait and said, “Can’t I get your phone number?” I held back my giggle and admitted that I was probably too old for him. So he asked, and I told him I was 32. He said, “Well you look really good for your age. And I’m 18, so that’s a compliment!” I went home said to my husband, “You know, this Pearl Cream stuff really works!”

I was delighted to pick up my second jar of Pearl Cream today and see the changes in my photo after finishing my first jar. Turns out I really have morphed into a younger looking person. The photos show the my cheeks fuller and lifted, my eyes lifted, and my complexion looks fresher. The coolest thing was that my lips looked fuller and more shapely. Love that! It was great to have photographic evidence to support my observations.

I know this is a long update, but there were so many wonderful changes and discoveries I just had to tell you everything. Now I understand the buzz around anti-aging. It’s so much fun!


Week 2: Falling in Love with the Pearls

August 6, 2010

Dear Dr. Anna,

I'm on week #2 of my Pearl Cream experience and I must say, my relationship with the pearls is growing stronger. I'm noticing the skin of my face tightening more now. I'm starting to think that it's similar to my experience with acupuncture - the more treatments I receive, the more my body knows what to do with the energy and it enhances my healing experience. I feel it's the same with the Pearl Cream, nature's intelligence (live pearls and herbs) combined with the intelligence of my own cells making for a beautiful synergistic affect.

I've also made an important observation this week. The past week has been highly stressful for me but the pearl cream kept me looking fresh faced through it all. I was amazed that as stressed out and run down as my body felt, it didn't show on my face. I still looked hydrated and youthful rather than looking haggard. Not only that, I'm using a different applicator brush for my mineral make up because my skin looks so good that I don't need as much coverage. I just love it.

I love it so much in fact that I was skipping to the refrigerator last night to complete my night time pearl cream ritual and in my haste and excitement, I dropped the jar. I was so afraid the glass jar would break and my live pearl cream would be spoiled that I put my foot in way to stop it from sudden death. I literally sacrificed my own toe to save my peal cream jar. My middle toe is swollen and bruised, but my pearl cream is still in tact. It's amazing how certain natural products become so precious to you. When the power went out during a big storm last week I turned to my husband and said, "Should we start up the generator? The fridge needs to stay cold for my pearl cream."

Yours in Health,

Week 1: My Pearly Glow

Dear Dr. Anna,

I've been using Pearl Cream now for one week and I'm already amazed at the results. My face feels softer and the skin feels healthier already. After I put it on, I literally feel like the cream is lifting and tightening my skin. My face feels moisturized without feeling oily and I notice a lovely pearly glow to my skin directly after use. My complexion appears more even and I've noticed I've been using less mineral make-up then I used to because skin already looks polished and even toned.

I find myself looking forward to my new Pearl Cream ritual every morning and night. Even after just a week's use I can feel the change in my skin's texture. It's starting to feel more like a baby's face. I've seen the photos of women in your ads so I know the product works, but to experience it for myself has totally exceeded my expectations. Thank you, Dr. Anna, for your vision and for inspiring women to look and feel beautiful naturally. I will happily refer clients to you and sing your praises to anyone who will listen.
